Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Talking Points # 6*

After watching the two movies interviewing Tom Wise and after looking at the sites that Dr. Bogad posted on the Brown verses Board of Education, I realized that there is still racism in the United States today. Even thought Obama is now president, people are now saying that you have to dress and act like Obama to be a successful African American. I think that is ridiculous, it is only a skin color what is the big deal!?!? We should all be treated the same way no matter the color of our skin or where we have came from. Unfortunately just because the United States has a black president, doesn't mean that racism is gone, there is still much work to be done so that everyone can feel as though they are being treated equally.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

In The Service Of What?

I think that service learning is extremely important to all. I think that people need to sometimes go outside of their box and see the actual real world and see what goes on in other peoples daily lives. I also think that when people do service learning they get rewarded by how thankful the people are and you feel good about yourself. In high school I had to do service learning and I did it at a private pre and kindergarten school and loved it! It was a real eye opener to how the children acted and how it was different from everyday and I learned so much from it!!

1. "In addition to helping those they serve, such service learning activities seek to promote students' self-esteem, to develop higher-order thinking skills, to make use of multiple abilities, and to provide authentic learning experiences--all goals of current curriculum reform efforts" I think that this quote is very true. I think while you are doing service learning not only are you helping out the people you are working with, but you are also helping out yourself. You learn from people and you realize how much you can actually do to help someone out.

2. "The ability of service learning curriculum to foster authentic, experience-based learning opportunities, to motivate students, to help students in higher-order thinking in contextually varied environments, and to promote interdisciplinary studies" I think that this quote is true. I feel this way about my service learning right now that we are going through. I am learning a great deal with being with the students and I help them with what the students need.

3."The experiential and interpersonal components of service learning activities can achieve the first crucial step toward diminishing the sense of "otherness" that often separates students--particularly privileged students--from those in need. In so doing, the potential to develop caring relationships is created." I love this quote. I think that in schools where you have privileged students and where you have those students in need sometimes the students in need get put down even more by the privileged students which doesn't make them feel any better about themselves.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us

I really enjoyed reading this piece and I also agreed with it. I think that some of the cartoons and shows that children watch are horrible and should not be watched because they get a lot of their ideas from them. I also think that by watching some of the shows, girls and even boys look up to the characters and think that they have to look or act a certain way, and those who don't are in the minority which I don't agree with either. I think that the roles should be played by whoever no matter their race or sex and this way the children won't feel like they should act or look a certain way. I liked how the teacher let the students criticize the cartoons and how they felt about them and then she had them make pamphlets or critiques about how they felt.

1. "First I want students to critique portrayals of hierarchy and inequality in children's movies and cartoons. Then I want to enlist them to imagine a better world, characterized by relationships of respect and equality." I like this quote because she did exactly that. She let the students critique the cartoons themselves and they saw themselves that the cartoons aren't just what they seem, they are about racism, sexism, and violence and the students saw that for themselves.

2. "As Tinker Bell inspects her tiny body in a mirror only to find that her minute hips are simply too huge, she shows us how to turn the mirror into an enemy...and this scenario is repeated in girls' locker rooms all over the world. Because we can never look like Cinderella, we begin to hate ourselves. The Barbie syndrome starts as we begin a lifelong search for the perfect body. Crash diets, fat phobias and an obsession with the materialistic become commonplace. The belief that a product will make us rise above our competition, our friends, turns us into addicts. Our fix is that Calvin Klein push-up bra, Guess jeans, Chanel lipstick, and the latest suede flats. We don't call is deception; we call it good taste. And soon it feels awkward going into the mailbox without makeup" I love this quote, I think its perfectly said and I think its so true, theres nothing else to really say about it, it explains itself!

3. "Instead of leaving students full of bile, standing around with their hands on their hips, shaking their heads about how bad the world is, I provided them the opportunity to make a difference." I really liked this quote because I feel as though there should be a lot more people in the world that are doers instead of just all talk. People can talk all they want but nothings going to get done unless they actually do something about it!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Gayness, Multicultural Education, and Community

I really enjoyed reading Carlson. I thought it was a fairly easy read and I understood alot of what he said and the points that he was trying to make. I agree with what we were talking in class today that the younger you expose the students to different types of things that isn't the "norm" no matter what it is, then they will not think anything of it and not make a big deal when something "different" is brought up. As for me and both of my brothers, I was always brought up to be yourself, and that everyone is going to also be their own indivudials and to respect that because everyone is different which makes the world so much better. I sometimes have a hard time understanding why people are cruel to people that are not in the norm, they have a heart and feelings as well as everyone else does.

1. "While public schools have long been viewed by progressive educators as embryonic communities that should engage young people in building a democratic community of mutual support and respect, gay people have for the most part been made absent, invisible, and silent within this community and at the same time represented as the deviant and pathological "Other"." This quote made me feel sad. I don't understand the deal why gays have to feel left out or feel like they are the "other". I think that maybe if the students were taught at a young age that everyone is different and everyone has their own feelings on different topics then maybe they will be understanding and people that are gay won't feel shut out of the community, instead they will feel welcomed and will feel like they have a voice in their community.

2. "This authorized message - be yourself - has begun to surface as one of the primary codes within commercial popular cultural texts, and it is a message that, like so many postmodern messages and codes, is open to contradictory readings. "Being yourself" celebrates individulism and the autonomy of individuals to construct their own lives according to their own values and achieve goals they set for themselves - a deel foundational value in American culture." This quote goes with what I said before. I think being yourself is so important, if you are gay, lesbian. bi...who cares! that makes and that is all that matters it shouldn't interfer with your lives or anyone else's.

3. "For example, as part of the first-grade curriculum the report recommended that teachers "include references to lesbians and gays in all curriculum areas and....avoid exclusionary practices by presuming a person's sexual orentiation, reinforcing stereotypes, or speaking of lesbians/gays as "they" or "other"." I agree with this, I think that references to lesbians and gays should be included in the curriculum so that the students won't think anything of it when it is brought up.