Monday, November 16, 2009

Citizenship in School:Reconceptualizing Down Syndrome*

I really enjoyed this piece..I was very interested in it. I and minoring in special education, so I was into reading it. I agree with a lot of points in the article and heree are my quotes that I chose!

1. "Lee is, in a sense, in a way he's branded. People see him. They see Down syndrome. They see mental challenge, retardation, whatever you want to call it. That's what they see, but they wouldn't be seeing him. Do you know what I mean? Because Lee is Lee, and anybody who knows Lee knows, and this includes all the kids, they know he's gifted - in how he solves problems, cares about others, reads, loves math. So I guess what I'm arguing is that if you did pick Lee out, you wouldn't be seeing Lee. It's not Lee you're picking out. It's your stereotype, your mind-set. It's you, and it has nothing to do with Lee. But if that's how you choose to see him, I don't know that anything I could do, we could do, I don't think there's anything Lee could do to change your mind."
I really like this quote because I just think it's so true. In high school people would be like "theres the special ed kid" and it would always make me mad because just because they aren't as fast of a learner as others, doesn't mean that they aren't awesome people and don't have big hearts and have their own unique way of learning and doing things.

2."According to Shayne, the notion of Down syndrome often obscures our ability to recognize the child as a child. She or he becomes a walking pathological syndrome, a mobile defect on the loose."
After hearing since we were younger that this kid is down syndrome and that kid is special needs, it is hard to look at them as a child, when really that is what he/she is...just like you or me.

3. "Acknowledging students with Down syndrome as thoughtful, creative, and interested learners with personal identities that distinguish them from all other people suggests an individual value that enhances any context containing the child."
I like this quote as well because for anyone, if you give positive feedback, or act positively towards someone then the person feels good about themselves!


  1. I agree with you on your response to your second quote. I feel that schools have set up the communities "corrupt" understanding of a special needs child to the point where some people dont think of the child as a child. I totally agree.

  2. "After hearing since we were younger that this kid is down syndrome and that kid is special needs, it is hard to look at them as a child, when really that is what he/she is...just like you or me."

    So true! We have been "trained" by society to look at someone with Down Syndrome as outsiders, and to feel sorry for them because of their behaviors associated with the disorder. Really, we should treat them as we would everyone else, because they ARE "everyone else."

  3. I totally agree to your response to the first quote! More people need to realize that having disabilities doesn't make you less of a person.
